1-877-625-4400 info@grandvalley.com
Managing Fly Pressure on Pasture

Managing Fly Pressure on Pasture

By Tom BowmanBeef Specialist, Grand Valley Fortifiers With the start of pasture season and the hot and dry weather many producers will be reviewing their pasture and summer cattle health programs. There are many factors that need to be considered to help cattle...
Certified Sustainable Beef

Certified Sustainable Beef

By Dan FergusonManager of Producer Relations, Beef Farmers of Ontario & Jaclyn HorenbergProducer Relations Specialist,Beef Farmers of Ontario Canadian beef producers take great pride in their cattle, the environment they raise them in, and ultimately, the...
Feeding the Gestating Cow for Calf Performance

Feeding the Gestating Cow for Calf Performance

By Josh DeVosRuminant Nutritionist, Grand Valley Fortifiers Across North America, cow numbers have been decreasing for the last few decades. The main reason for this is the increased costs for inputs, such as land and feed commodities. Therefore, beef production, like...